Common Ethical Issues with Egg Donation

There are many ethical issues with egg donation to consider. Here are a few common issues that people who are considering using donor eggs face.
How important is it to the parents that the child is genetically related to them?
Is the goal a healthy pregnancy or a genetically related healthy pregnancy? Often times, the use of a donor egg is more beneficial, because it results in a healthy and successful pregnancy when a woman’s own eggs are not of good quality.
Is parenting better done at a younger age or an older age?
It can be better to have youth on your side, but it can also be good to have maturity when it comes to parenting. After age 40, IVF is often more successful using donor eggs. Some benefits to using donor eggs is the ability to avoid negative genetic and psychological health issues.
How will you explain to your child about how they were conceived and at what age?
What if your child wants to meet his or her biological parents? If your donor is known, then you could arrange for this to happen. It is helpful to think about what you would want their relationship to look like if your child did meet his or her biological parents.
How does your religion view the use of donor eggs?
It can be helpful to talk with a leader of your church about this in addition to pinpointing your own beliefs.
Is it ethical for a sister to donate eggs to her sister?
Who will carry the baby and how will this be explained? This is a common scenario and all parties involved (including husbands) must go through a psychological evaluation and be approved to move forward.
Making a list of pros and cons in addition to speaking with a counselor can help reduce anxiety about the use of donor eggs. Contact Aspire Fertility with any additional questions regarding ethical concerns with egg donation.