Aspire Blog

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Infertility

Posted in Houston Metro on July 21st, 2017

Our in-house psychologist, Dr. Irena Milentijevic, answers a very common question about dealing with the emotional aspect of infertility.

Q: I'm struggling to get pregnant. Is it normal to feel emotional or jealous when I learn that a friend is pregnant?

A: Yes it is very common to have a lot of mixed feelings as your friends or family members are getting pregnant and you are not. This is a very normal response, yet it can be very uncomfortable to see yourself getting jealous. The way to deal with that is to allow yourself to have mixed feelings, feel happy for your friend and sad and mad that you are not pregnant yet. It also helps to join a Support Group and find other women who are dealing with the same emotions that you are.

For more information on the support groups offered at Houston Fertility Specialists, please click here.

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