Your Application Has Been Received

Your Application Has Been Received

  1. We will evaluate your application to make sure it is compatible with FDA law, professional association guidelines, the interest of the fertility centers we support and our own internal policies.
  2. If you are ACCEPTED to the next stage:
    You will receive an email from [email protected]. This email contains a link, your username and password you just selected, and additional instructions. This information helps you complete the entire application.
  3. If you are NOT ACCEPTED to the next stage:
    You will receive an email from [email protected] informing you about our decision. This does not mean that you are unhealthy, it simply means that we are not able to accept you into the program. Due to the volume of applicants, we are not able to provide you with the details of our decision.
  • Completed Application
  • Phone Interview
  • Face-to-Face Interview
  • Process Education
  • Psychological Test
  • Background Check
  • Physical Tests
  • Documentation Verification

We look forward to working with you if you are able to advance to the next stage. If you are not able to move on to the next stage, we sincerely thank you for your interest and your willingness to help another couple in need.

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